Monday, November 28, 2016


I never have much luck with these blog things. Lol. I couldn't even begin to count how many I have started and abandoned over the years. These things are hard, life is hard... my life is hard.

I was a stay at home mom. I was good at it too. At least, I think I was. Back in August, I returned to the workforce because we need a second car and my middle child is a dancer. Competitive dance is expensive. A dancer who wants to leave the competitive scene to train more for a later career....that's even more expensive. More than my husband's paycheck could cover.

So I got a job at a fast food restaurant and I hated it. They put me in drive thru and my voice is high Disney princess high pitched. When you put a high pitched voice through a speaker... well, that is just cruel. It makes a Disney princess voice sound like a chipmunk. It's cruel.

I quickly found a new job at a local college as a cashier at the food court. It pays more than the fast food job, by more than a buck. But I have to deal with the most horrible human beings ever. I wished that I lived near an actual prestigious college to work at because this one obviously has little to no standards. Seriously, most of them are fifty shades of cray...and drunk...and high.
I really don't expect to see most of them back next semester.
I hope they don't come back.

(I got called a bitch 4 times tonight by the same group of students)

I'm going to try to keep up with this blog. I need this. I need for it to make some money and I need it to blow some steam because I really have no one to talk to. Maybe someone will read it, maybe not. I'm here regardless.

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